Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Banana Nut Bread

It never fails, no matter how hard I try, I always have bananas that get too ripe. Are you with me?! Well if so here is a great, and very easy, way to use up those brown bananas!!

Banana Nut Bread

2 1/2 cups all-purposed flour
1 cup sugar
3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons oil
3/4 cup milk
1 egg
1 cup mashed ripe bananas (2 to 3 medium)
1 cup finely chopped nuts

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour 9x5x3 inch loaf pan. Measure all ingredients into large mixer bowl; beat on medium speed, until mixed thoroughly, scraping side and bottom of bowl constantly.
Pour into pan. Bake 55 to 65 minutes. Remove from pan; cool thoroughly before slicing.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Staying at home is ok!

Do you ever go back and forth on whether you should stay home with your babies or work full-time? Or was it just set in stone that you would do one or the other?

 I always wanted the opportunity to stay home but we just couldn't seem to financially make it work so I taught full-time when I had my first, Owen, and loved it. I loved the person who watched him and felt that he was safe and loved on while I was at work. But it was hard dropping him off each day and on the days he was sick, my husband and I would play rock-paper-scissors to see who was going to have to take off. Then my second one came along, Graham. He started out at the same place until my husband was transferred to a different city. When this opportunity happened not only was it a change for us but it was a change that was going to allow me to be able to stay home with the boys!! I couldn't have been more happy! I was able to get on at their preschool two days a week and have the best of both worlds, teaching and being home.

However, I sometimes will find myself not happy. I will think "Ok Traci you have a masters degree and you are staying home and bringing little money in." But then I would think "Ok Traci you have it good! You have the option of staying home, which some moms do not. And not to mention you love couponing and finding good deals you've got this!" It was like, now that I'm staying home I feel guilty for being at home and not working, but when I worked I felt guilty for not being at home!! Is there anyone who feels the same way or is it just me?!

As the school year started this year and my sisters were getting their classrooms ready, I couldn't help but miss being in the classroom. I miss the full-time teaching, getting dressed up everyday, and let's be real, the money! So I freshened up my resume and had it all ready to send out. Except when it came time to do it my heart wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to put my youngest somewhere, or teach full-time. I wasn't ready to wake up everyday by 5:30 am. I love being able to take my son to school and be the first one he sees when I pick him up. I love being available at any time my kiddos need me and not feeling guilty about missing work. I love the preschool that I work for and getting to share my passion of teaching with others. I love the moms ministry that I am able to be the Children's Director for and getting the opportunity to fellowship with other moms during the week. No I am not working full-time but that's ok!!

Sometimes I still think about the what-ifs or the what-should-I do's? But a good friend told me today "Traci we must be content with what we are doing now" It's important to be in the moment! Love what you are doing whether it be working full-time, staying home full-time or a little of both! Know that where you are is where you should be and that God placed you there for a reason.

Will I ever go back full-time? Yes, I'm sure I will. And will it be ok? Yes! But for right now being at home with my little ones is ok too.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Perfect Pasta Salad

Today I whipped up an easy pasta salad out of the things that I had in my pantry and fridge. The thing I love about this pasta salad is you can make it your own. You don't like olives? Omit them. You want to add salami? Perfect! You want to home make your dressing out of olive oil and vinegar, go for it!! It's all yours to design. Let me show you how I made mine (and let me just say the dressing is what makes it!).
Here are the ingredients you will need: *note for some reason I forgot to put the tomatoes in the pic:)
While your pasta is cooking, according to its package, cut up your add ins.
I like to add my pepperoncini in whole at the end. You can slice them or omit them. It's perfect either way. Mix in your ingredients and then add about 1/2 cup of the Robusto Italian dressing. ***Note that the dressing is Wishbones Robusto Italian...it totally makes the dish and you have to try it!

This makes a perfect lunch or side dish and the best part is it's mayo free!!! So you can take it to a picnic or party and not worry about keeping it cold! Make it today:)

Perfect Pasta Salad

Tri Color Pasta
Grape tomatoes
Black olives
Mozzarella cheese (all I had was cheddar and mozz string cheese so that's what I used but you can use the mozzarella balls you find in the fine cheese case)
Wishbone Robusto Italian Dressing (I just eye balled it, but I'd say about 1/2 cup)

Cook pasta according to package. While pasta is cooking slice up your add ins. Drain pasta and run cold water over the  pasta to cool it down. Add your add ins to the pasta. Pour in dressing and mix well. Enjoy!! Refrigerating prior to eating will enhance the flavor:)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Boy Mom

"Please don't jump on the couch!" "Oh you mean like this mommy?" UGH!! Boys!! Boys are loud, smelly, and let's face it, they find humor in some of the grosses things. The other day I was sitting on the couch and my 2 year old ran up to sit down next to me. I thought, oh how sweet he wants to cuddle!!, um no...he looks at me and then proceeds to spit in my face!! SPIT!! I give him "the look" and he says "oh that's not funny?!" No, precious, that's.not.funny!! Am I alone? Please tell me that I'm not!

I can remember the day, 6 years ago, when I was on my knees in my bedroom, screaming and crying to God asking him why? Why did I not have a baby? What did I do wrong in my life to not deserve to have a little bundle of joy to love? That time in my life was very sad for me and I know that I was not the only one going through the same thing. Through the process of fertility we were able to get pregnant with our first, a boy! Then by the grace of God we had our second one 3 years later, all by ourselves!!! Again, a boy!

Now let's be honest, I had no idea what was entailed with boys. I just knew to love them, show them how God loves them, and take them to baseball practice. I thought a mom who has boys is so easy. No prom dresses, nail and hair apts, no drama. No big deal, or is it? I have been thinking a lot lately about my boys. I've been thinking, "will they come back to see me when they're married?, will they call me on the phone just to say hi?, they have their father, do they even need me?"  I've been thinking so much to the point that I heard God say "your boys need you more than you think." When I heard those words I thought, "really God? They have their dad. They have that father figure to look up to and who to look at as a role model." However, what I haven't thought about is that they need their mom more than I know. They need me, as the female figure in their life, to show them how to show respect to other girls, how to cook a meal, how to show their feelings. My boys need me to kiss their boo-boos and to hug them everyday. They need me as their encourager and supporter.

      Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Moms of boys, don't be discourage!! Your boys do need you! You are a huge part of their life!! And know that you are not alone, boys are not easy but God chose you to raise them to be great leaders, husbands, fathers, and followers in Christ.
So, I will take hulk smashes, baseball throwing in the living room, giggles they have when making farting noises on their arms, and the comfort in knowing that I'm a mom of boys.




Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Spanish Rice

I'm a Mexican food fanatic! I can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner and I have:) My King Ranch Chicken post was a huge hit. So I wanted to share with you what I serve on the side. This rice is super simple and delicious.

Here is what you need:

First you will pour about 2 turns of the pan of olive oil (if you're not an olive oil fan you can use 2 tbs. butter, melt) and pour in a cup of rice. Sauté for a few minutes.
Then add in your diced onion and bell pepper. Cook till veggies are soft. Make sure your rice doesn't burn. A little color is good! It adds a great nutty flavor.
Once your veggies are soft add in your canned tomatoes and 1 can full of water. Sprinkle in salt and pepper. Bring to a boil.
Turn down to simmer, cover and cook for about 20 min or until rice is fully cooked.

Spanish Rice

1 cup rice
1/2 diced bell pepper
1/4 diced onion
1 can diced tomatoes (I prefer the chili style. I feel it give it a more smoky flavor)
1 can water
olive oil (or 2 tbsp. butter if you prefer)

Pour your olive oil in the pan. Add rice and sauté a couple of min. Then add in your diced bell pepper and onion. Sauté till veggies are soft. Add in 1 can diced tomatoes and 1 can of water, sprinkle in some salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Cover, turn to simmer and cook for about 20 minutes or until the rice is nice and soft.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken

It's Monday...This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it...however why are Mondays always dreaded? Is it because we had that fabulous weekend and now it's back to work time, or for those stay at home moms the laundry is staring you in your face saying "it's me again!!" Well whatever your situation don't you fear because I have a meal for you that is a fix it and forget it!!

My SIL (sister in law) sent me this recipe that she found on Pinterest and said "Traci you have got to try this!" So I did! And let me tell you, this is one yummy and versatile meal. You can serve it up with mashed potatoes and a veggie or shred it and place it on a bun. Whatever your fancy you'll want to make this meal over and over! So get out your slow cooker ladies and/or gents and fix it and forget it.

What you will need:

Place you chicken breast into the slow cooker (recipe calls for 4 but mine were huge from Costco so I just used 2)

In a small bowl, mix all your ingredients

Pour over your chicken. Put on a lid and forget about it!

Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken
Pinned from here

4 chicken breast
1 bottle of BBQ sauce
1/4 c white vinegar
1/2-1 tsp. red pepper flakes (optional)
1/4 c brown sugar
1 tsp. garlic powder

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and then pour over chicken in the slow cooker. Cook on LOW for 6-8 hours. I usually will start on HIGH for 1 hour and then turn it to LOW for 6. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mosquitos and a Sweet Treat

I dislike mosquitos with a passion!! They are so sneaky that you think you've gone outside and are in the clear until you go inside and see that you have been bit multiple times. UGH!! Well if you're planning on having a party with several people over, or are just planning on being in the backyard for a while, I have found many ways to keep those sneaky pest away!

First we have our typical spray and candle:
Then, did you know that there are certain plants that you can have around that will do the same thing! Isn't God good:) After investigating pinterest and our local garden store, these are the 2 that we decided to use. They not only smell great but are pretty too.

First we planted citronella. I mean if we're going to light it we might as well have it setting on the ground too :)

Next what we planted you may already have in your garden and didn't even know it was repelling those pest. It's rosemary!! I love the smell and taste of rosemary and now I love that it can help in the prevention of mosquitos.
So the next time you are in a need for some pesky repellent be sure to check the plant section as well!

Now for my sweet treat!! Today I have made one delicious chocolate sheet cake!! It is great for birthday parties and get-togethers and is always a huge hit. Now I wish I could take credit for this great cake but I have to give it to my girl, Pioneer Woman. She is one of my favorite cooks and seems to never disappoint.
Click here to find the recipe and step by step instructions to this great cake! (The one I made today is nut free)


Monday, August 4, 2014

Creamy Jalapeno Dip

Creamy jalapeno dip is one our family favorites. This dip is not only great with chips, but it also makes a great dressing on salads or sandwiches...oh and if you drizzle it over drip beef tacos (recipe to come soon) it takes them to the next level!!!

Here are the ingredients you will need:
If you love cilantro then I would add a handful of it as well. We had a few non-cilantro fans so we made it without this go round. Both ways are delicious!

Add sour cream, a couple spoonfuls of pickled jalapenos, 3 tbsp. of ranch dressing mix (or one envelope you buy in the store) and a little of the jalapeno juice to a blender.
Blend til smooth. Enjoy!!

Creamy Jalapeno Dip

16 oz. sour cream
1 dry ranch dressing pkt. or 3 tbsp.
pickled jalapenos
*optional: a handful of cilantro

Combine all ingredients into a blender. Add a little of the jalapeno juice. Then blend til smooth. Taste to check for the heat level. If it's not hot enough for your liking add more jalapenos.

Make it today!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

King Ranch Chicken

Are you a cheese fan like me? I mean come on, who can resist the ooey gooey yumminess melted on a burger, Panini, baked potato or the added flavor it adds to quiches, casseroles, and pasta?! Oh I could go on and on about this wonderful stuff called cheese. I love it all from the stinky kind to the liquid gold we know as Velveeta. Today I am using this "liquid gold" to make a crowd favorite (and freezer favorite), King Ranch Casserole.

Here are the ingredients that you will need

Before you start the casserole you will want to take your chicken breast and boil them in water til cooked through. I like to add half a diced onion, salt and pepper to my water.

Once your chicken has cooked through, shred it, add seasonings and set aside.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Then take out your favorite sauce pan and melt 1 stick of butter.

Once butter has melted, add your diced bell pepper, garlic and onion. Sauté til soft and onions are translucent.

Next, you will add in your canned ingredients (cream of mushroom and chicken, Rotel, diced tomatoes, and half a can of green chilies.)  Stir to combine.

Then add in your "liquid gold" and cook til all has melted. You may need to add a little chicken stock to your mixture if you feel it is too thick.

Cut your tortillas into these cute little triangles. Why? Well because it's cute :)

Now it's time for the assembly. Grease a 9x13 baking dish. Start with your cheese sauce first. Then add your chicken.Then your tortillas. Repeat til you have filled your casserole dish and you have ended with the ooey gooey deliciousness I like to call cheese...aka liquid gold...aka yumminess!

And just because I love cheese so much and it gives it that extra little pop. You will want to add some grated cheddar on top!! Yum!

Bake at 350 for 45 min or until it is bubbly hot. I hope you enjoy this crowd pleaser as much as my little crowd did!

King Ranch Casserole

4 chicken breast (boiled and shredded)
1 pkg. tortillas (cut into cute wedges)
1/2 med. onion - chopped
1/2 bell pepper - chopped
1 clove of garlic -minced
1/2 lb Velveeta - cubed
1 can Rotel
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 small can of green chilies
1 can cream of mushroom
1 can cream of chicken
1 stick of butter
chicken stock

Preheat oven to 350. In saucepan, melt stick of butter. Once melted, add onion, bell pepper, and garlic. Cook til veggies are soft and onion is translucent. Add in cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, Rotel, diced tomatoes, and green chilies. Then add cubed Velveeta and cook til melted. Use chicken stock if you need to thin out the sauce a bit. Assemble casserole. Top with grated cheddar. Bake at 350 for 45 or until bubbly. If you want to freeze this meal you can stop before the baking process, cover with foil and freeze.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What's Cookin' in the Kitchen

Who doesn't love to eat?! What about Pinterest, are you obsessed as much as me?! I have been asked many times "how did you make that?," "can I get your recipe?," "what can I make with this?" Well I have decided to take this part of my blog and use it as my recipe box. I will be sharing family favorites, leftover makeovers, as well as trying out Pinterest meals to see if it's as good as it looks in the picture :) So join me on this journey of, What's Cookin' in the Kitchen!!

July 30th, 2014

Happy Birthday to my Daddy!!! In honor of his birthday I'm cooking up his favorite meal of lasagna. Lasagna is not only an easy meal to make but it freezes great too and that's just what I'm going to do with the ones I made today.

Here's what you will need:

1-2 lbs. ground meat
Fajita Seasoning
1 tsp. chopped garlic
1 42 oz. jar of spaghetti sauce
1 15 oz. container ricotta cheese
1 egg, slightly beaten
1/2 tsp. dried basil leaves
1/2 tsp. dried oregano leaves
 Lasagna noodles (cooked)
16 oz. bag of shredded mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 350. In a large skillet brown your meat, adding your chopped garlic and season with fajita seasoning, salt and pepper. Drain. Add your jar of spaghetti sauce, and turn to simmer. In a small bowl combine ricotta cheese, egg, basil, and oregano.

In a 13x9 baking dish, spread 3/4 cup of sauce. Next, place 3 to 4 noodles on top of sauce. Spread your ricotta mixture on top of noodles. Add sauce and then sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Repeat 2 more times. End with noodles on top and spread the rest of your sauce. Top with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 for 40-45 min. or until hot and bubbly. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting into it.

Make Ahead Directions: Prepare recipe as directed; DO NOT BAKE. Cover with plastic wrap, then foil. Refrigerate up to 48 hours or freeze up to 2 months. Remove plastic wrap; replace foil. Bake refrigerated at 350 for 45 min or frozen lasagna about 1 hour and 30 min, removing foil during the last 10 min.


I'm back to blogging!!

It's been a long time since my last post....um let's say 2 years! Wow!! So much has happened in those 2 years and I've decided that now is the time to start blogging again. I've changed things up a little. Not only do I have a passion for teaching, and scrapbooking when I can, but also for cooking! I love to cook! I also love to add millions and millions of food pins to my pinterest page (who doesn't) and let's be real, I hardly ever make what I pin. Well that's all about to change.

I've decided to start a page on my blog called What's Cookin' in the Kitchen. Here you will find family favorites, leftover makeovers, and yes, I'm going to make some of those fabulous recipes I've pinned and I'm going to let you know if it's a go or a big fat NO!! So join me on my journey of good eats and pinterest pleasures and Check out What's Cookin' in the Kitchen.