Thursday, August 14, 2014

Boy Mom

"Please don't jump on the couch!" "Oh you mean like this mommy?" UGH!! Boys!! Boys are loud, smelly, and let's face it, they find humor in some of the grosses things. The other day I was sitting on the couch and my 2 year old ran up to sit down next to me. I thought, oh how sweet he wants to cuddle!!, um no...he looks at me and then proceeds to spit in my face!! SPIT!! I give him "the look" and he says "oh that's not funny?!" No, precious, that's.not.funny!! Am I alone? Please tell me that I'm not!

I can remember the day, 6 years ago, when I was on my knees in my bedroom, screaming and crying to God asking him why? Why did I not have a baby? What did I do wrong in my life to not deserve to have a little bundle of joy to love? That time in my life was very sad for me and I know that I was not the only one going through the same thing. Through the process of fertility we were able to get pregnant with our first, a boy! Then by the grace of God we had our second one 3 years later, all by ourselves!!! Again, a boy!

Now let's be honest, I had no idea what was entailed with boys. I just knew to love them, show them how God loves them, and take them to baseball practice. I thought a mom who has boys is so easy. No prom dresses, nail and hair apts, no drama. No big deal, or is it? I have been thinking a lot lately about my boys. I've been thinking, "will they come back to see me when they're married?, will they call me on the phone just to say hi?, they have their father, do they even need me?"  I've been thinking so much to the point that I heard God say "your boys need you more than you think." When I heard those words I thought, "really God? They have their dad. They have that father figure to look up to and who to look at as a role model." However, what I haven't thought about is that they need their mom more than I know. They need me, as the female figure in their life, to show them how to show respect to other girls, how to cook a meal, how to show their feelings. My boys need me to kiss their boo-boos and to hug them everyday. They need me as their encourager and supporter.

      Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Moms of boys, don't be discourage!! Your boys do need you! You are a huge part of their life!! And know that you are not alone, boys are not easy but God chose you to raise them to be great leaders, husbands, fathers, and followers in Christ.
So, I will take hulk smashes, baseball throwing in the living room, giggles they have when making farting noises on their arms, and the comfort in knowing that I'm a mom of boys.




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