Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I'm back to blogging!!

It's been a long time since my last let's say 2 years! Wow!! So much has happened in those 2 years and I've decided that now is the time to start blogging again. I've changed things up a little. Not only do I have a passion for teaching, and scrapbooking when I can, but also for cooking! I love to cook! I also love to add millions and millions of food pins to my pinterest page (who doesn't) and let's be real, I hardly ever make what I pin. Well that's all about to change.

I've decided to start a page on my blog called What's Cookin' in the Kitchen. Here you will find family favorites, leftover makeovers, and yes, I'm going to make some of those fabulous recipes I've pinned and I'm going to let you know if it's a go or a big fat NO!! So join me on my journey of good eats and pinterest pleasures and Check out What's Cookin' in the Kitchen.

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