Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fourth Of July

Happy 4th of July!! This 4th was shared with family and friends! We spent our morning in Abilene with family...

and our evening at home with friends.

Both Owen and Marlee thought the fireworks were a little too loud:)

We had a great 4th!!

Family Weekend

This 4th of July we made our first out of town trip as a family of four to Abilene. We stayed with Grandma, PawPaw, and Jessica. Owen got to share a bed with Jessica and wasn't too happy about it at first. He told me he didn't want to sleep with Jessica because she talked to much:) even though any time he has slept with her he is already passed out before she even comes in there!! Aunt Ashley and cousin Hudson showed up and Hudson and Graham got to meet for the first time. It was a lot of fun hanging out with family, eating good food, and shooting fireworks. We even had our very own photo shoot. Enjoy the pics of our sweet babies!!!

Looks like they are sharing secrets already:)

Uh Oh!! Brother snuck up on them!!:)

And yes, we did end up having to put Graham on a different formula. This time doc recommended we switch over to Gerber Goodstart. So let's pray this one works out!! He seems to be a lot more content after every bottle (no screaming), but it doesn't tied him over as long as the other so instead of going 6 hours at night we are going 3 1/2-5. I'll take it over screaming though!
 A happy baby makes a happy momma and a happy momma makes a happy family:)

One Month Old!!

I can not believe we have reached one month!! Since I'm a little behind on blogging, Graham turned 1 month old on June 29th. He weighs roughly 9lbs. and 14oz. and is on his 3rd kind of formula. We have been through the regular Enfamil, caused spit-up and gas. Then moved to gentlease and spit-up became worse. So we went to doctor and he recommended the AR Enfamil formula, which is for acid reflux. It definitely helped with the spit-up but he screams after every bottle!! Looks like a new kind may be in the future!

Yes daddy put his hair in a mohawk! I thought it looked pretty cute:)

Big Brother had to wear is number 1 shirt too:)

Cousin Time

It has been a few weeks since my last blog and we have had alot go on since then. 3 weeks ago Aunt Carolyn, cousin Jaxson, and Madyson came to visit and see Graham for the first time. Owen and Jaxson had a blast playing together. They played with cars, watched movies, and swam in Owen's pool. It was so much fun!!! We can't wait to see them again!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

2 Weeks Down!

We made it through our first 2 weeks of life! The first week at home was a little stressful. My mom started not feeling well on Saturday and ended up going home on Sunday. I was a little anxious to get started on my own but I knew I was going to have to do it sooner than later. The week turned out to be quite adventurous.

Monday: I got mastitis and Matt had to meet the boys and me at the hospital. Getting 2 out of the house is a little harder then one. Thankfully Owen can get his shoes on by himself!
Tuesday: Graham woke up with goopy eyes and we had to go to the doctor. Come to find out he has pink eye!!!
Wednesday: I notice blood in his diaper and see that his circumcision is bleeding.
Thursday: Matt goes out of town to Dallas for the night (first night for me to ever be by myself with kids) and right before bed, Graham has blood in his diaper!! Go Figure!! I freak out thinking it's in his urine, call the on-call nurse and after lots of talking, we come to the conclusion that it's from the same spot!!!
Friday: We made it through the night without daddy!!! Everyone woke up in a good mood and we were ready for daddy to get home!!

What a week! We were sure glad to get it over with!

This week turned out to be better! Grandma came back for a few days.

Graham had his 2 week appt he weighed 8.7 pounds and was 21 inches long. He got his heel pricked and was not happy with me (daddy said he didn't cry when they did it in the hospital, but of course he did with me:))

A friend of mine, Kenna, came and picked up Owen and took him to swim with some of his buddies!

Owen and I went Father's Day shopping while grandma kept Graham.

And, my friends, Joyce, Marsha, and Tracy came to visit. Always nice to have some adults to talk to:)
I am so blessed:)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

He's Here!!

On May 29, 2012 at 12:13 p.m. we welcomed our newest addition to our family!! Delivery went much smoother than with the first. Although I think the epidural wore off because I pretty much felt everything, it was all worth it!:) The Lord blessed us with our sweet, healthy, blue-eyed little boy!
Graham Layne Poynor 8 lbs. 5 oz. 20 3/4 inches long

When Owen got to the hospital to meet his new brother I'm not sure he knew what to think. He was a little leery to get up into the bed with me but wanted to hold his little brother. Owen continued to say, "I'm the big brother! I love you Graham! I'm a good big brother!" And he has proven to be:)

We were very excited to get Graham home. We were able to go home from the hospital on Thursday morning. Of course, just like we did with Owen, I had to have my new little man come home in his Red Raider gear!!

We are truly blessed with the life the Lord has given us!! Maybe it's because I named him after me (my middle name is Alayne so we dropped the "A" and gave him Layne), but Graham is already proven to be a mommy's boy and I'm ok with that:)

Monday, May 28, 2012

39 Weeks...and Tomorrow's the day!!

At 35 weeks I was admitted into the hospital with contractions and given meds to try and stop them from coming. I was put on bed rest for 2 days (then I would be 36 weeks) and was told if he comes after that they will do nothing to stop the labor. At 36 weeks, I went and saw the doc and she told me that with me progressing the way I was that I should have him within the week. So we waited and waited...

Made it to 37 weeks! Went into the doctor and there was no change. She said that I should just take it easy and he will come when he was ready. So we made a plan for induction and then waited. 38th week passed and now we made it to 39 weeks!! I was so nervous he would come early and his lungs wouldn't be developed or wouldn't be strong enough and we would be back in the NICU just like Owen was. But all I continued to do was pray! I am so thankful for the Lord and for having Him on my side!

Now we are at the night before the big day!! Even after going through this once (with no epidural and a very quick and scary delivery) I have to admit that I am nervous!! I'm nervous not only about the labor but how Owen is going handle the change. I know that it will all work out!! I pray for strength:)!!!

39 weeks and 2 days

Here are my 2 sweet loves!! Fixing to make it 3:)

Blessed Beyond Belief!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here We Go...

I have finally taken the plunge and started a blog!!! Can you believe it?! My mom mentioned it to me a few weeks ago as I was sharing some hilarious things my son, Owen, was saying and I thought "Who has the time?!" Well since I was put on bedrest and we are patiently awaiting the arrival of our newest addition, Graham, I thought to myself.."Hey I do!!" So here it is:) With lots of frustration, tears (not too many, remember I'm pregnant..hormones people!!), and hard work I think I have it. There are still a few things I'd like to add but it all comes in time:)

I am not only a mom, but a Kindergarten teacher...yes I love the little ones! So be on the look out for the wonderful moments of being a teacher and the funny things kids say. As well as my weight loss journey! I know what your thinking, "who wants to see pics and hear the stories of a post-baby women trying to lose weight?!" well I'm doing it! I thought to myself if I had to show people pics and talk about what I'm going through then maybe, just maybe, I can stick to it!! I've got lots to lose!

May you all have a blessed day!!