Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here We Go...

I have finally taken the plunge and started a blog!!! Can you believe it?! My mom mentioned it to me a few weeks ago as I was sharing some hilarious things my son, Owen, was saying and I thought "Who has the time?!" Well since I was put on bedrest and we are patiently awaiting the arrival of our newest addition, Graham, I thought to myself.."Hey I do!!" So here it is:) With lots of frustration, tears (not too many, remember I'm pregnant..hormones people!!), and hard work I think I have it. There are still a few things I'd like to add but it all comes in time:)

I am not only a mom, but a Kindergarten teacher...yes I love the little ones! So be on the look out for the wonderful moments of being a teacher and the funny things kids say. As well as my weight loss journey! I know what your thinking, "who wants to see pics and hear the stories of a post-baby women trying to lose weight?!" well I'm doing it! I thought to myself if I had to show people pics and talk about what I'm going through then maybe, just maybe, I can stick to it!! I've got lots to lose!

May you all have a blessed day!!


  1. Traci congratulations on doing a blog. I'm so excited to hear what's going with the boys. This is awesome!!!

  2. I surely can't wait to read your stories! LOVE YOU

  3. Traci - what a great idea!! I'm subscribed to your blog now so I won't miss any word.

    Love you, Aunt Patty

  4. Great blog - will be tuned in for some cute pictures of baby Graham with big brother Owen!
