Thursday, June 7, 2012

He's Here!!

On May 29, 2012 at 12:13 p.m. we welcomed our newest addition to our family!! Delivery went much smoother than with the first. Although I think the epidural wore off because I pretty much felt everything, it was all worth it!:) The Lord blessed us with our sweet, healthy, blue-eyed little boy!
Graham Layne Poynor 8 lbs. 5 oz. 20 3/4 inches long

When Owen got to the hospital to meet his new brother I'm not sure he knew what to think. He was a little leery to get up into the bed with me but wanted to hold his little brother. Owen continued to say, "I'm the big brother! I love you Graham! I'm a good big brother!" And he has proven to be:)

We were very excited to get Graham home. We were able to go home from the hospital on Thursday morning. Of course, just like we did with Owen, I had to have my new little man come home in his Red Raider gear!!

We are truly blessed with the life the Lord has given us!! Maybe it's because I named him after me (my middle name is Alayne so we dropped the "A" and gave him Layne), but Graham is already proven to be a mommy's boy and I'm ok with that:)

1 comment:

  1. He is so beautiful!!!!! Jett thought you named him after TT QB :) Can't wait to love on him one day!! XOXO Shauna
