Monday, May 28, 2012

39 Weeks...and Tomorrow's the day!!

At 35 weeks I was admitted into the hospital with contractions and given meds to try and stop them from coming. I was put on bed rest for 2 days (then I would be 36 weeks) and was told if he comes after that they will do nothing to stop the labor. At 36 weeks, I went and saw the doc and she told me that with me progressing the way I was that I should have him within the week. So we waited and waited...

Made it to 37 weeks! Went into the doctor and there was no change. She said that I should just take it easy and he will come when he was ready. So we made a plan for induction and then waited. 38th week passed and now we made it to 39 weeks!! I was so nervous he would come early and his lungs wouldn't be developed or wouldn't be strong enough and we would be back in the NICU just like Owen was. But all I continued to do was pray! I am so thankful for the Lord and for having Him on my side!

Now we are at the night before the big day!! Even after going through this once (with no epidural and a very quick and scary delivery) I have to admit that I am nervous!! I'm nervous not only about the labor but how Owen is going handle the change. I know that it will all work out!! I pray for strength:)!!!

39 weeks and 2 days

Here are my 2 sweet loves!! Fixing to make it 3:)

Blessed Beyond Belief!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here We Go...

I have finally taken the plunge and started a blog!!! Can you believe it?! My mom mentioned it to me a few weeks ago as I was sharing some hilarious things my son, Owen, was saying and I thought "Who has the time?!" Well since I was put on bedrest and we are patiently awaiting the arrival of our newest addition, Graham, I thought to myself.."Hey I do!!" So here it is:) With lots of frustration, tears (not too many, remember I'm pregnant..hormones people!!), and hard work I think I have it. There are still a few things I'd like to add but it all comes in time:)

I am not only a mom, but a Kindergarten teacher...yes I love the little ones! So be on the look out for the wonderful moments of being a teacher and the funny things kids say. As well as my weight loss journey! I know what your thinking, "who wants to see pics and hear the stories of a post-baby women trying to lose weight?!" well I'm doing it! I thought to myself if I had to show people pics and talk about what I'm going through then maybe, just maybe, I can stick to it!! I've got lots to lose!

May you all have a blessed day!!